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Office of the Vice President for Finance

The unit in charge of developing and executing the University’s economic policy. In addition, it proposes budgetary, financial and economic policies, as well as courses of action for personnel, infrastructure and IT systems.

About the Vice President for Finance

Prepares and presents the university’s budget and manages the internal audit and accounting processes. It also manages the university’s real estate holdings and all of its architecture and construction projects.

Units of the Office of the Vice President for Finance

Executive Direction

The unit in charge of coordination between the different units of the Office of the Vice President and the finance and management directors of the colleges for the joint development of projects to improve the community’s management.

Jeanette Carrasco


Office of Auditing

A management support unit, its work centers mainly on conducting audits with a focus on risk management, advice and consultancy on specific topics and investigations of irregular situations, ensuring the safeguarding of financial resources, the efficiency of operations and the improvement of processes through adequate risk management.

Ramón Castillo


Office of Information Technology

The unit whose function is to develop and operate the University’s academic and administrative IT systems. By managing central computer and communication systems, it supports the university’s colleges and units.

Diego Biscar


Office of Infrastructure

The unit in charge of planning, organizing, executing and supervising the University’s physical space. It is responsible for improving working conditions and, as a result, quality of life at the university grounds.

Tomás Dalla Porta


Office of Human Resources

The unit in charge of proposing human resources policies, advising academic and administrative units, and overseeing the proper application of university policies and procedures with the personnel. It handles the recruiting, hiring and onboarding of staff, as well as the retention, career development, payments, benefits, well-being and safety of employees.

Fernanda Vicuña


Office of Budget & Finance

A service unit with the mission to efficiently manage the University’s working capital in order to generate corporate and departmental added value. To that end, it oversees the University’s financial and accounting policies and processes.

Francisco Bravo
