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Academic unit: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Consulta las noticias relacionadas a la Vicerrectoría Académica, unidad encargada de diseñar y ejecutar la política académica de la Universidad.

A group of 10 people are talking as an activity of the Immersion Experience of English for Life.

UC Chile Staff Improve Their Language Skills Through the “English for Life” Program

The initiative, promoted by the Office of the Vice President of International Affairs, the Office of the Vice President of Economic Affairs (through the Office…

A woman is writing in a whiteboard with a red marker while a group of young women are paying attention to her.

UC Chile Plans to Bridge the Gender Gap in Research

At the heart of the InES Gender Program is ensuring equal career advancement for women and men in research, evenly distributing workloads, and promoting female…

President Ignacio Sánchez testing a virtual reality headset.

UC Chile Fosters Innovation in Teaching Through a VirtuaLab

Located in the CDDoc building at the San Joaquín campus, this laboratory allows experimentation with immersive technologies—such as virtual and augmented…

female student with headphones watching a computer

UC Chile launch three online master’s focused on job-relevant skills on Coursera

UC Chile, Nº 1 university in Latin America, will offer "Data Science," "Analytics for Business," and "Investment and Applied Finance" to Spanish speakers…

Student attending an online class

UC Chile one step forward to offer online master's degrees with Coursera

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile) is the first Chilean university to agree with the online learning platform featuring graduate courses. UC…

Four international students walk through the San Joaquin campus.

UC promotes a comprehensive internationalization model for the community

Within the new 2020-2025 Development Plan framework, the Adjunct Office of the Vice President for International Affairs VRAI) promotes Internationalization at…