Strategic axis: Public Commitment
Discover how UC Chile contributes to the country and society through the news about its public commitment actions.

Safeguarding Chile's Cultural Heritage: from Violeta Parra to Vicente Huidobro
Violeta Parra, Vicente Huidobro, Fernando Castillo Velasco, Ana González, René Combeau, and Jorge Brantmayer are some of the Chilean artists whose collections…

Challenges for School Education During and After the Pandemic
Education is an area that the coronavirus health crisis has seriously impacted. Nearly 168 million children were affected by the closure of their schools. The…

Students Attempting to Have Social Impact during the Pandemic
Students from different undergraduate programs carry out health, sustainability, and education initiatives to contribute to the external community with their…

Breathe, Heal and Sing!: Singing Back to Life
A new program teaches breathing techniques used by opera singers to aid Covid-19 patients after discharge.

Ucéanos: 5 tons of waste have been removed from Chilean beaches thanks to this student initiative
Since 2018, the project has focused its activities on cleaning beaches and sustainable awareness. It has removed 5 tons of waste from Bucalemu, Quinter…

Elisa Loncon: The decolonization of language
In 2016, Revista Universitaria (the University Magazine) interviewed professor Elisa Loncon. On Sunday, July 4, the professor and researcher of the Mapudungún…

"Artifica Tu Casa": The online arts festival which joins eight Chilean universities
The arts festival will return this year to share eight different cultural visions of artists and teachers from all over Chile. Every Wednesday in July and…

UC Chile's Contributions to the Chilean Constituent Process
UC Chile has made a wide range of contributions to this historic milestone. With gender parity and representation of indigenous peoples, a democratically…

UC Constitutional Process Commission: How to achieve a Constitution that unites people?
For several months, twenty UC faculty members from various disciplines ponder on the upcoming process of writing a new constitution. This reflection resulted…

UC Sustainability Report: Advances, Projects, and Commitments
As humankind, we are at a pivotal moment to face the various socio-environmental problems that affect us. In this scenario, Pontificia Universidad Católica de…

UC and its Path in Fighting Climate Change
Experts say our planet is in crisis. And some of its consequences are irreversible, but not all is lost. We have committed to being carbon neutral. What does…